Дискуссионный клуб для людей с ограниченными возможностями

Смайлы (smile - улыбка) - это маленькие графические изображения, которые используются для передачи эмоций в сообщениях. Если вы часто пользуетесь чатами или электронной почтой, то, вероятно, вам уже известна концепция использования смайлов. Самые популярные варианты текстовых смайлов автоматически преобразуются в графические.

Чтобы не испортить сообщение случайно вставленными смайлами, вы можете их отключить. Это особенно актуально, если вы вставляете в сообщение коды программирования. Если смайлы не отключить, то код ;) превратится в смайл!

Основные смайлы
Что пишем Результат Значение
:) smile smile
:feminist: feminist feminist
:undecided: Undecided Undecided
:embarrassed: Embarrassed Embarrassed
:tochno: Tochno Tochno
:rus: RUS RUS
:declare: declare declare
;) wink wink
:( :( :(
:grin: Grin Grin
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:angel: Angel Angel
:think: Think Think
:)) :)) :))
:privet: Privet Privet
:D :D :D
:ay: Ay Ay
:aiai: Aiai Aiai
:bf: Bf Bf
:bh: Bh Bh
:drinks: Drinks Drinks
:smile108: Smile108 Smile108
:bl: Bl Bl
:ak: Ak Ak
:aq: Aq Aq
:molch: Molch Molch
:smile251: Smile251 Smile251
:friends: friends friends
:awink: Awink Awink
:good: Good Good
:tss: Tss Tss
:dancenew: Dancenew Dancenew
:ps: post-scriptum post-scriptum
:bravo: Bravo Bravo
:bo: Bo Bo
:sos: Sos Sos
:au: Au Au
:be: Be Be
:as: As As
:smile265: Smile265 Smile265
:cq: Cq Cq
:ba: Ba Ba
:stenka: Stenka Stenka
:shock: Shock Shock
:cl: Cl Cl
:av: Av Av
:cp: Cp Cp
:ck: Ck Ck
:ch: Ch Ch
:smile159: Smile159 Smile159
:bk: Bk Bk
:vozduh: Vozduh Vozduh
:af: Af Af
:ae: Ae Ae
:king: King King
:vedma: Vedma Vedma
:manikur: Manikur Manikur
:grust: Grust Grust
:ci: Ci Ci
:cj: Cj Cj
:mrgreen: Mrgreen Mrgreen
:kruto: Kruto Kruto
:off: Off Off
:ar: Ar Ar
:ct: Ct Ct
:smile17: Smile17 Smile17
:ev: Ev Ev
:cr: Cr Cr
:pioner: Pioner Pioner
:exclamation: Восклицание Восклицание
:shocked: Shocked Shocked
:bv: Bv Bv
:ao: Ao Ao
:bx: Bx Bx
:am: Am Am
:co: Co Co
:bt: Bt Bt
:ce: Ce Ce
:cg: Cg Cg
:cs: Cs Cs
:br: Br Br
:by: By By
:drel: Drel Drel
:cx: Cx Cx
:bz: Bz Bz
:cc: Cc Cc
:cd: Cd Cd
:bw: Bw Bw
:cb: Cb Cb
:bu: Bu Bu
:smile83: Smile83 Smile83
:ca: Ca Ca
:smile287: Smile287 Smile287
:afro: Afro Afro
:cy: Cy Cy
:smile269: Smile269 Smile269
:getSmile: getSmile getSmile
:aj: Aj Aj
:artist: Artist Artist
:coffee break: coffee_break coffee_break
Что пишем Результат Значение
:Laie_76C: Laie 76C Laie 76C
:l_training: L Training L Training
:Alvarin_34: Alvarin 34 Alvarin 34
:sport_kubok3: Sport Kubok3 Sport Kubok3
:fishing_1: Fishing 1 Fishing 1
:JC_golfer: JC Golfer JC Golfer
:Laie_53: Laie 53 Laie 53
:l_diver1: L Diver1 L Diver1
:spartak: Spartak Spartak
:drink: Drink Drink
:football_4: Football 4 Football 4
:Laie_43: Laie 43 Laie 43
:Laie_68: Laie 68 Laie 68
:Laie_78: Laie 78 Laie 78
:mitsu: Mitsu Mitsu
:bobsleigh: Bobsleigh Bobsleigh
:football_1: Football 1 Football 1
:Laie_30B: Laie 30B Laie 30B
:Laie_64: Laie 64 Laie 64
:l_speedboat_1: L Speedboat 1 L Speedboat 1
:aikido: Aikido Aikido
:sport_kubok2: Sport Kubok2 Sport Kubok2
:fishing: Fishing Fishing
:football_6: Football 6 Football 6
:Laie_47: Laie 47 Laie 47
:Laie_76B: Laie 76B Laie 76B
:l_diver: L Diver L Diver
:shablon_04: Shablon 04 Shablon 04
:connie_running: Connie Running Connie Running
:football_3: Football 3 Football 3
:Laie_32: Laie 32 Laie 32
:Laie_66: Laie 66 Laie 66
:Laie_77: Laie 77 Laie 77
:l_training_1: L Training 1 L Training 1
:basketball: Basketball Basketball
:training1: Training1 Training1
:football: Football Football
:barbell: barbell barbell
:Laie_30A: Laie 30A Laie 30A
:Laie_57: Laie 57 Laie 57
:l_speedboat: L Speedboat L Speedboat
:sport_kubok1: Sport Kubok1 Sport Kubok1
:football_5: Football 5 Football 5
:Laie_44: Laie 44 Laie 44
:Laie_76A: Laie 76A Laie 76A
:Laie_83: Laie 83 Laie 83
:serfing: Serfing Serfing
:connie_finishline: Connie Finishline Connie Finishline
:football_2: Football 2 Football 2
:Laie_31: Laie 31 Laie 31
:Laie_65: Laie 65 Laie 65
Что пишем Результат Значение
:music6: Music6 Music6
:music14: Music14 Music14
:music22: Music22 Music22
:music3: Music3 Music3
:music11: Music11 Music11
:music19: Music19 Music19
:music8: Music8 Music8
:music16: Music16 Music16
:music24: Music24 Music24
:music5: Music5 Music5
:music13: Music13 Music13
:music21: Music21 Music21
:music2: Music2 Music2
:music10: Music10 Music10
:music18: Music18 Music18
:music26: Music26 Music26
:music7: Music7 Music7
:music15: Music15 Music15
:music23: Music23 Music23
:music4: Music4 Music4
:music12: Music12 Music12
:music20: Music20 Music20
:music1: Music1 Music1
:music9: Music9 Music9
:music17: Music17 Music17
:music25: Music25 Music25
Что пишем Результат Значение
:ng_elochka_2: Ng elochka 2 Ng elochka 2
:ded_snegurochka: Ded Snegurochka Ded Snegurochka
:ded_snegurochka2: Ded Snegurochka2 Ded Snegurochka2
:Laie_52: Laie 52 Laie 52
:Mauridia_08: Mauridia 08 Mauridia 08
:ng6_Santa-icon: Ng6 Santa Icon Ng6 Santa Icon
:ded_moroz: Ded Moroz Ded Moroz
:ng_elochka: Ng Elochka Ng Elochka
:dance_2: Dance 2 Dance 2
:dance: Dance Dance
:ng7_Snowman-icon: Ng7 Snowman Icon Ng7 Snowman Icon
:ng_mad_14: Ng Mad 14 Ng Mad 14
:ng_biggrin_8: Ng Biggrin 8 Ng Biggrin 8
:ng_blink_10: Ng Blink 10 Ng Blink 10
:ng_cool_11: Ng Cool 11 Ng Cool 11
:ng_huh_13: Ng Huh 13 Ng Huh 13
:ng_megalol_15: Ng Megalol 15 Ng Megalol 15
:ng_rolleyes_9: Ng Rolleyes 9 Ng Rolleyes 9
:ng_ohmy_16: Ng Ohmy 16 Ng Ohmy 16
:ng_dry_12: Ng Dry 12 Ng Dry 12
:ng_wink_6: Ng Wink 6 Ng Wink 6
:ng_smile_3: Ng Smile 3 Ng Smile 3
:ng_santa_2: Ng Santa 2 Ng Santa 2
:ng_sad_1: Ng Sad 1 Ng Sad 1
:ng_unsure_5: Ng Unsure 5 Ng Unsure 5
:ng_xmas_7: Ng Xmas 7 Ng Xmas 7
:Rulezzz_04: Rulezzz 04 Rulezzz 04
:ng_tongue_4: Ng Tongue 4 Ng Tongue 4
:santa2: Santa2 Santa2
:santa: Santa Santa
:ng12_Cap-icon: Ng12 Cap Icon Ng12 Cap Icon
:ng2_BigBell-icon: Ng2 BigBell Icon Ng2 BigBell Icon
:ng1_Bells-icon: Ng1 Bells Icon Ng1 Bells Icon
:ng3_Wreath-2-icon: Ng3 Wreath 2 Icon Ng3 Wreath 2 Icon
:ng4_Present-2-icon: Ng4 Present 2 Icon Ng4 Present 2 Icon
:ng5_Present-4-icon: Ng5 Present 4 Icon Ng5 Present 4 Icon
:ng8_RedBall-icon: Ng8 RedBall Icon Ng8 RedBall Icon
:ng9_PurpleBall-icon Ng9 PurpleBall Icon Ng9 PurpleBall Icon
:ng10_GreenBall-icon Ng10 GreenBall Icon Ng10 GreenBall Icon
:ng11_GoldBall-icon: Ng11 GoldBall Icon Ng11 GoldBall Icon
:use_search: Use Search Use Search
:viannen_04: Viannen 04 Viannen 04
:viannen_3: Viannen 3 Viannen 3
:viannen_36: Viannen 36 Viannen 36
:snegurochka: Snegurochka Snegurochka
Палата №6
Что пишем Результат Значение
:gamer3: Gamer3 Gamer3
:hang2: Hang2 Hang2
:on_the_quiet2: On The Quiet2 On The Quiet2
:sarcastic: Sarcastic Sarcastic
:suicide2: Suicide2 Suicide2
:crazy_pilot: Crazy Pilot Crazy Pilot
:vava: Vava Vava
:focus: Focus Focus
:girl_hospital: Girl Hospital Girl Hospital
:mail1: Mail1 Mail1
:preved: Preved Preved
:spiteful: Spiteful Spiteful
:to_pick_ones_nose: To Pick Ones Nose To Pick Ones Nose
:wacko2: Wacko2 Wacko2
:girl_cray2: Girl Cray2 Girl Cray2
:JC_out_cold: JC Out Cold JC Out Cold
:pleasantry: Pleasantry Pleasantry
:sarcastic_hand: Sarcastic Hand Sarcastic Hand
:tease: Tease Tease
:dash2: Dash2 Dash2
:gamer2: Gamer2 Gamer2
:hang1: Hang1 Hang1
:on_the_quiet: On The Quiet On The Quiet
:russian_roulette: Russian Roulette Russian Roulette
:suicide: Suicide Suicide
:crazy: Crazy Crazy
:to_pick_ones_nose_e To Pick Ones Nose Eat To Pick Ones Nose Eat
:drag: Drag Drag
:girl_drink1: Girl Drink1 Girl Drink1
:locomotive: Locomotive Locomotive
:prankster2: Prankster2 Prankster2
:slow_en: Slow En Slow En
:zhut: zhut zhut
:to_become_senile: To Become Senile To Become Senile
:wacko: Wacko Wacko
:gamer4: Gamer4 Gamer4
:hunter: Hunter Hunter
:pilot: Pilot Pilot
:sarcastic_blum: Sarcastic Blum Sarcastic Blum
:suicide_fool-edit: Suicide Fool Edit Suicide Fool Edit
:dash1: Dash1 Dash1
:gamer1: Gamer1 Gamer1
:girl_wacko: Girl Wacko Girl Wacko
:man_in_love: Man In Love Man In Love
:prop: Prop Prop
:stinker: Stinker Stinker
:alcoholic: Alcoholic Alcoholic
:to_pick_ones_nose2: To Pick Ones Nose2 To Pick Ones Nose2
:wacko3: Wacko3 Wacko3
:girl_crazy: Girl Crazy Girl Crazy
:JC_see_stars: JC See Stars JC See Stars
:prankster: Prankster Prankster
:slow: Slow Slow
:telephone: Telephone Telephone
:dash3: Dash3 Dash3
Он и она
Что пишем Результат Значение
:connie_38: Connie 38 Connie 38
:d_guess: D Guess D Guess
:guest: Guest Guest
:Laie_26: Laie 26 Laie 26
:l_hug: L Hug L Hug
:vala_01: Vala 01 Vala 01
:viannen_77: Viannen 77 Viannen 77
:connie_rockingbaby: Connie Rockingbaby Connie Rockingbaby
:girl_phone1: Girl Phone1 Girl Phone1
:Laie_6: Laie 6 Laie 6
:love2: Love2 Love2
:snog: Snog Snog
:connie_1: Connie 1 Connie 1
:connie_43: Connie 43 Connie 43
:d_martini: D Martini D Martini
:JC_coffee: JC Coffee JC Coffee
:Laie_63B: Laie 63B Laie 63B
:newvb4: Newvb4 Newvb4
:viannen_24: Viannen 24 Viannen 24
:connie_37: Connie 37 Connie 37
:d_coffee: D Coffee D Coffee
:give_rose: Give Rose Give Rose
:Laie_24: Laie 24 Laie 24
:l_dance: L Dance L Dance
:unlove: Unlove Unlove
:viannen_73: Viannen 73 Viannen 73
:connie_mama: Connie Mama Connie Mama
:girl_in_love: Girl In Love Girl In Love
:kiss3: Kiss3 Kiss3
:love: Love Love
:party2: Party2 Party2
:connie_42: Connie 42 Connie 42
:d_kiss_hand: D Kiss Hand D Kiss Hand
:JC_clapgirl: JC Clapgirl JC Clapgirl
:Laie_50: Laie 50 Laie 50
:l_rain: L Rain L Rain
:viannen_10: Viannen 10 Viannen 10
:cook: Cook Cook
:give_heart2: Give Heart2 Give Heart2
:Laie_23: Laie 23 Laie 23
:l_daisy: L Daisy L Daisy
:tender: Tender Tender
:connie_6: Connie 6 Connie 6
:connie_feedbaby: Connie Feedbaby Connie Feedbaby
:JC_Hi-Five: JC Hi Five JC Hi Five
:Laie_70A: Laie 70A Laie 70A
:newvb5: Newvb5 Newvb5
:viannen_58: Viannen 58 Viannen 58
Смайлы с табличками
Что пишем Результат Значение
:table_1: Table 1 Table 1
:table_2: Table 2 Table 2
:table_3: Table 3 Table 3
:table_4: Table 4 Table 4
:table_5: Table 5 Table 5
:table_6: Table 6 Table 6
:table_7: Table 7 Table 7
:table_8: Table 8 Table 8
:table_9: Table 9 Table 9
:table_10: Table 10 Table 10
:table_11: Table 11 Table 11
:table_12: Table 12 Table 12
:table_13: Table 13 Table 13
:table_14: Table 14 Table 14
:table_15: Table 15 Table 15
:table_16: Table 16 Table 16
:table_17: Table 17 Table 17
:table_18: Table 18 Table 18
:table_19: Table 19 Table 19
:table_20: Table 20 Table 20
:table_21: Table 21 Table 21
:table_22: Table 22 Table 22
:cw: cw cw
:table_23: Table 23 Table 23
:table_24: Table 24 Table 24
:plus: plus plus
:table_28: table_28 table_28
:table_29: table_29 table_29
:table_30: table_30 table_30
:table_31: table_31 table_31
День Рождения
Что пишем Результат Значение
:birthday11: Birthday11 Birthday11
:birthday7: Birthday7 Birthday7
:birthday5: Birthday5 Birthday5
:birthday19: Birthday19 Birthday19
:birthday14: Birthday14 Birthday14
:birthday8: Birthday8 Birthday8
:birthday12: Birthday12 Birthday12
:birthday9: Birthday9 Birthday9
:birthday16: Birthday16 Birthday16
:birthday4: Birthday4 Birthday4
:birthday18: Birthday18 Birthday18
:birthday17: Birthday17 Birthday17
:birthday13: Birthday13 Birthday13
:birthday6: Birthday6 Birthday6
:birthday3: Birthday3 Birthday3
:birthday21: Birthday21 Birthday21
:birthday10: Birthday10 Birthday10
:birthday: Birthday Birthday
:birthday20: Birthday20 Birthday20
:birthday2: Birthday2 Birthday2
:birthday1: Birthday1 Birthday1
:birthday15: Birthday15 Birthday15
:birthday22: birthday22 birthday22
:drink_mu: drink_mu drink_mu
Что пишем Результат Значение
:splus: splus splus
:restriction_2: restriction_2 restriction_2
:ghost: ghost ghost
:skelet: Skelet Skelet
:candle: Candle Candle
:inva: inva inva
:applause: Applause Applause
:bananamario: Bananamario Bananamario
:ibbanana: Ibbanana Ibbanana
:JC_handshake: JC Handshake JC Handshake
:Laie_13: Laie 13 Laie 13
:donate: Donate Donate
:JC_burp: JC Burp JC Burp
:JC_drink: JC Drink JC Drink
:mailservise: mailservise mailservise
:JC_shipwrecked: JC Shipwrecked JC Shipwrecked
:JC_fan: JC Fan JC Fan
:Laie_25: Laie 25 Laie 25
:comando: Comando Comando
:beach: Beach Beach
:clown2: Clown2 Clown2
:wizard: Wizard Wizard
:connie_slingshot: Connie Slingshot Connie Slingshot
:Laie_4: Laie 4 Laie 4
:d_book: D Book D Book
:JC_thinking: JC Thinking JC Thinking
:connie_v: Connie V Connie V
:bomb: Bomb Bomb
:viannen_79: Viannen 79 Viannen 79
:Laie_54: Laie 54 Laie 54
:russian_ru: Russian Ru Russian Ru
:Laie_56: Laie 56 Laie 56
:Laie_79: Laie 79 Laie 79
:smoke: Smoke Smoke
:Laie_27: Laie 27 Laie 27
:viannen_7: Viannen 7 Viannen 7
:pioneer_smoke: Pioneer Smoke Pioneer Smoke
:l_canon: L Canon L Canon
:rain: Rain Rain
:lightning: Lightning Lightning
:l_sunny: L Sunny L Sunny
:rest: Rest Rest
:mamba: Mamba Mamba
:confused: Confused Confused
:mr47_05: Mr47 05 Mr47 05
:viannen_01: Viannen 01 Viannen 01
:paint2: Paint2 Paint2
:food: food food
:troll: troll troll


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